Category Archives: research

Activated factor XI-antithrombin complex presenting as an independent predictor of 30-days mortality in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients

Reidun Aarsetøy, Hugo Ten Cate, Henri Spronk, Rene Van Oerle, Hildegunn Aarsetøy, Harold Staines, Dennis W T NilsenThromb Res. 2021 Aug;204:1-8.PMID: 34089982 Background: Cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) are associated with activated coagulation and microvascular fibrin deposition with subsequent … Continue reading

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Letter: In response to a recent letter by Prior et al

S H E van der Beelen, S M Agten, D P L Suylen, K Wichapong, J Hrdinova, B M E Mees, H M H Spronk, T M HackengThromb Res. 2021 Jul 10;207:66.PMID: 34560474

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Pleiotropic actions of factor Xa inhibition in cardiovascular prevention: mechanistic insights and implications for anti-thrombotic treatment

Hugo Ten Cate, Tomasz J Guzik, John Eikelboom, Henri M H SpronkCardiovasc Res. 2021 Jul 27;117(9):2030-2044.PMID: 32931586 Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease in which atherothrombotic complications lead to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. At advanced stages, myocardial infarction, ischaemic stroke, … Continue reading

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The Intrinsic Pathway does not Contribute to Activation of Coagulation in Mice Bearing Human Pancreatic Tumors Expressing Tissue Factor

Yohei Hisada, Bernhard Moser, Tomohiro Kawano, Alexey S Revenko, Jeff R Crosby, Henri M Spronk, Nigel MackmanThromb Haemost. 2021 Jul;121(7):967-970PMID: 33498089

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Potent Cyclic Peptide Inhibitors of FXIIa Discovered by mRNA Display with Genetic Code Reprogramming

Daniel J Ford , Nisharnthi M Duggan, Sarah E Fry, Jorge Ripoll-Rozada, Stijn M Agten, Wenyu Liu, Leo Corcilius, Tilman M Hackeng, Rene van Oerle, Henri M H Spronk, Anneliese S Ashhurst, Vishnu Mini Sasi, Joe A Kaczmarski, Colin J … Continue reading

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Different circulating biomarkers in women and men with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: results from the AF-RISK and RACE V studies

Ruben R De With, Vicente Artola Arita, Bao-Oanh Nguyen, Dominik Linz, Hugo Ten Cate, Henri Spronk, Ulrich Schotten, Anton Jan van Zonneveld, Ömer Erküner, M Agustina Bayón, Anders S Schmidt, Justin G L M Luermans, Harry J G M Crijns, … Continue reading

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Serial markers of coagulation and inflammation and the occurrence of clinical pulmonary thromboembolism in mechanically ventilated patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection; the prospective Maastricht intensive care COVID cohort

Mark M G Mulder, LIoyd Brandts, Renée A G Brüggemann, Marcel Koelmann, Alexander S Streng, Renske H Olie, Hester A Gietema, Henri M H Spronk , Iwan C C van der Horst, Jan-Willem E M Sels, Joachim E Wildberger, Sander … Continue reading

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Off-target effects of oral anticoagulants – vascular effects of vitamin K antagonist and non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant dabigatran etexilate

Rick H van Gorp, Ingrid Dijkgraaf, Vanessa Bröker, Matthias Bauwens, Peter Leenders, Danyel Jennen, Marc R Dweck, Jan Bucerius, Jacco J Briedé, Joanne van Ryn, Vincent Brandenburg, Felix Mottaghy, Henri M H Spronk, Chris P Reutelingsperger, Leon J SchurgersJ Thromb … Continue reading

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No antiarrhythmic effect of direct oral anticoagulants versus vitamin K antagonists in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation patients undergoing catheter ablation

David Zweiker, Martin Manninger, Raphael Sieghartsleitner, Jakob Ebner, Bernadette Pratl, Egbert Bisping, Peter Lercher, Dirk von Lewinski, Rita Riedlbauer, Ursula Rohrer, Henri M H Spronk, Andreas Zirlik, Ulrich Schotten, Daniel ScherrInt J Cardiol. 2021 May 15;331:106-108.PMID: 33508338 Introduction: Direct oral … Continue reading

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Evaluation of the analytical performance of the PC100 platelet counter

Magdolna Nagy, Sepanta Fazaeli, René van Oerle, Hugo Ten Cate, Marcel Schemmann, John Sherry, Gillian Kelleher, Henri M H SpronkTromb J. 2021 May 4;19(1):29.PMID: 33947405 Manuscript in collaboration with 2M Engineering (Valkenswaard). Introduction: Platelet count can be altered in … Continue reading

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