Tag Archives: thrombin generation

Variation of platelet function in clinical phenotypes of acute venous thromboembolism – Results from the GMP-VTE project

Marina Panova-Noeva, Bianca Wagner, Markus Nagler, Thomas Koeck, Vincent Ten Cate, Lisa Eggebrecht, Jürgen H Prochaska, Imke Meyer, Christoph Gerdes, Henri M Spronk, Karl J Lackner, Hugo Ten Cate, Kirsten Leineweber, Stefan Heitmeier, Stavros Konstantinides, Philipp S Wild J Thromb … Continue reading

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Calibrated automated thrombogram II: removing barriers for thrombin generation measurements

P L A Giesen, A J W Gulpen, R van Oerle, H Ten Cate, M Nagy, H M H SpronkThromb J. 2021 Aug 28;19(1):60.PMID: 34454531 Background: Thrombin generation (TG) assessed by Calibrated Automated Thrombogram (CAT-I) reflects the overall capacity of … Continue reading

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Suggestions for global coagulation assays for the assessment of COVID-19 associated hypercoagulability

Tom W van de Berg, Anne-Marije M Hulshof, Magdolna Nagy, Rene van Oerle, Jan-Willem Sels, Bas van Bussel, Hugo Ten Cate, Yvonne Henskens, Henri M H Spronk, Dutch Covid-19 and Thrombosis Coalition (DCTC)Thromb Res. 2021 May;201:84-89PMID: 33662799 Introduction: Severe acute … Continue reading

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Thrombin-Fibrin(ogen) Interactions, Host Defense and Risk of Thrombosis

Anne-Marije Hulshof, H Coenraad Hemker, Henri M H Spronk, Yvonne M C Henskens, Hugo Ten CateInt J Mol Sci. 2021 Mar 4;22(5):2590.PMID: 33806700 Fibrinogen is a well-known risk factor for arterial and venous thrombosis. Its function is not restricted to … Continue reading

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