CAS-AM: Shaping the Future of Thrombosis Care
During the 2nd training day on antithrombotic management, participants started with a lively post discussion on VTE and cancer, guided with great enthusiasm by Nick van Es and Marcello Di Nisio. The lead-out lecture “Cancer therapies and risk of thrombosis” by Cihan Ay highlighted the impressive data on increased arterial and venous thrombosis risk for cancer patients (a must-read: Moving forward to the second case in the program and switching from venous to arterial thrombosis, Thomas Lecompte opened the topic with an overview lecture on platelet function testing.
In the afternoon, participants worked on the case “Patient with high risk of atherothrombosis and bleeding” followed by the key-note lecture on atherothrombosis by Gemma Vilahur.
The last educational activity for the day was the eye-opening “To fail or not to fail” diner session at which Stéphane ZUILY, Gemma Vilahur, Harry Büller and myself shared their biggest career failures and the lessons learned from this. One lesson learned: plan, do research, publish, communicate.
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