Author Archives: admin

Association of FXI activity with thrombo-inflammation, extracellular matrix, lipid metabolism and apoptosis in venous thrombosis.

Pallares Robles A, Ten Cate V, Schulz A, Prochaska JH, Rapp S, Koeck T, Panova-Noeva M, Heitmeier S, Schwers S, Leineweber K, Seyfarth HJ, Opitz CF, Spronk H, Espinola-Klein C, Lackner KJ, Münzel T, Andrade-Navarro MA, Konstantinides SV, Ten Cate … Continue reading

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Relationships between coagulation factors and thrombin generation in a general population with arterial and venous disease background.

van Paridon PCS, Panova-Noeva M, van Oerle R, Schulz A, Prochaska JH, Arnold N, Schmidtmann I, Beutel M, Pfeiffer N, Münzel T, Lackner KJ, Ten Cate H, Wild PS, Spronk HMH. Thromb J. 2022 Jun 8;20(1):32. PMID: 35676710 Background: The … Continue reading

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CAS-AM: Week 1, Day 4

CAS-AM: Shaping the Future of Thrombosis Care Day 4 and last day of the 1st week of the CAS-AM antithrombotic management course. Closing the week with great lectures by experts on antiphospholipid syndrome (Stéphane ZUILY, @Rolf Urbanus), thrombosis and pregnancy … Continue reading

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CAS-AM: Week 1, Day 3

CAS-AM: Shaping the Future of Thrombosis Care Update on day 3 of the CAS-AM antithrombotic management course. Realizing that a course is all about good, enthusiastic, and integrating participants, a snapshot into the hard work that they deliver. From pre-discussions in team sessions to small … Continue reading

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CAS-AM: Week 1, Day 2

CAS-AM: Shaping the Future of Thrombosis Care During the 2nd training day on antithrombotic management, participants started with a lively post discussion on VTE and cancer, guided with great enthusiasm by Nick van Es and Marcello Di Nisio. The lead-out … Continue reading

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CAS-AM: Week 1, Day 1

CAS-AM: Shaping the Future of Thrombosis Care The first day of the CAS-AM course started with an introduction by Hugo Ten cate, followed by the 1st case on antithrombotic management in cancer associated venous thrombosis. Two tutorial groups followed the … Continue reading

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Thrombin in complex with dabigatran can still interact with PAR-1 via exosite-I and instigate loss of vascular integrity.

Dólleman SC, Agten SM, Spronk HMH, Hackeng TM, Bos MHA, Versteeg HH, van Zonneveld AJ, de Boer HC. J Thromb Haemost. 2022 Apr;20(4):996-1007. PMID: 35037739 Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) can lead to the loss of microvascular integrity thereby enhancing AF … Continue reading

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NVTH PhD Course Lecture

Presentation on the “Introduction in Coagulation, Natural Anticoagulants and Thrombosis” for the NVTH PhD Course on Venous Thrombosis in Koudekerke, The Netherlands.

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Effect of combining aspirin and rivaroxaban on atherosclerosis in mice.

Grover SP, Coughlin T, Fleifil SM, Posma JJN, Spronk HHM, Heitmeier S, Owens AP 3rd, Mackman N. Atherosclerosis. 2022 Mar;345:7-14. PMID: 35183904 Background and aims: The platelet inhibitor aspirin reduces inflammation and atherosclerosis in both apolipoprotein E deficient (apoE-/-) mice … Continue reading

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Variation of platelet function in clinical phenotypes of acute venous thromboembolism – Results from the GMP-VTE project

Marina Panova-Noeva, Bianca Wagner, Markus Nagler, Thomas Koeck, Vincent Ten Cate, Lisa Eggebrecht, Jürgen H Prochaska, Imke Meyer, Christoph Gerdes, Henri M Spronk, Karl J Lackner, Hugo Ten Cate, Kirsten Leineweber, Stefan Heitmeier, Stavros Konstantinides, Philipp S Wild J Thromb … Continue reading

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